Last year, 78 year-old runner Bill Iffrig was thrust into the national spotlight after the Boston Marathon attacks. One year later, he talks about his journey.
To avod the ad, you can view teh video on the Sports on Earth website.
Last year, 78 year-old runner Bill Iffrig was thrust into the national spotlight after the Boston Marathon attacks. One year later, he talks about his journey.
To avod the ad, you can view teh video on the Sports on Earth website.
I just submitted my entry into the 2014 Bank of America Chicago Marathon registration lottery. Fingers crossed! I’ll learn on April 14th.
If I’m selected, it will be a memorable way to celebrate my big 4-0!
After I completed my first marathon last month, I posted a humorous video showing marathoners hobbling around the day after the marathon. Here’s a similar video that was a TV ad for the 2010 ING New York City Marathon.
My weekly curation of miscellaneous articles on running:
Marathon as Melting Pot, New York Times
Striving Immigrants Find Long Distance Running Far From Lonely in New York City
Sick? Go Run With A Sports Drink, Competitor
Sports drinks can do more than simply fuel your long runs and races.
Baseball is like the Marathon, Toni Reavis
Both sports require the ability to endure a long, gruelling task, be it months of training and 26.2 miles of racing, or months of a 162-game season.
Marx was wrong about alienation, but also kinda right, The Logic of Long Distance
Marx must have been a runner.
25 Things Non-Runners Don’t Get About Runners, BuzzFeed
What makes intelligent and rational people become runners? And will non-runners ever understand them?
A post-marathon curation of miscellaneous articles on running:
Want To Run Faster? Make Sure You Recover, Competitor
Maximize your training and progress with optimal recovery practices.
How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Marathon? New York Times
There’s not much rigorous research on recovery after strenuous exercise, and this aspect of competition is rife with unsubstantiated dogma.
Neuromuscular Fatigue after a Marathon, Runner’s World
Even after that soreness is gone, you may not be back to full strength when you try to contract your muscles, because the signal from your brain gets disrupted somewhere before it gets to the muscle.
Massage After a Marathon Puts Runners on Road to Recovery, Broadview University
Finishing a marathon isn’t easy. It takes months of mental and physical preparation. If the training isn’t a feat in itself, the actual event is a 26-mile expedition that pushes runners to their brink.
The Dos and Don’ts of Marathon Recovery, Epicurious Runner
I’m not a marathon pro, but I’ve run a few of them and I have done my fair share of things wrong. You learn from your mistakes, right?