Inspiration: We All Cross That Same Finish Line

Dean Karnazes trail running in the Italian Dolomites

Eventually we all cross that same finish line. What matters, I guess, is how you choose to run the race.

—Dean Karnazes

Science of Marathon Running [Video]

Here’s a great explanation of the science of marathon running by Joe Hanson of PBS Digital’s It’s OK To Be Smart.

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Four Steps to Running Re-education [Infographic]

Four Steps to Running Re-education Infographic

Over the last year I have had over 600 injured runners through the running clinic at The Sports Surgery Clinic in Dublin. Every one of these runners has had video analysis and coaching advice about components of their running technique that may be contributing to injury. Having seen this number of runners a few patterns have emerged and some common form issues have arisen. This resulted in the development of a poster ‘Four Steps to Running Re-Education’ This contains the four most common coaching points we use.

—John Foster, MCSP, MACPSM, Dip Phys, PGDip H. Sci.

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Friday Fun: Types of Runners

What type are you?

Types of Runners

Via Legacy Running on Facebook

The barefoot runner: Hasn’t worn real shoes in months

The Trail Runner: Hills Ahead!

The Gear Junkie

The Newbie

The Ultramarathoner

Another Perspective on Vibram FiveFingers [Video]

As somebody who does part of his training and running in minimalist shoes (mainly Skora Running), I wholehearted agree with this doctor. Running shoes are simply tools to help you run, and just like other tools, there are safe, responsible ways to use them—and reckless, dangerous ways to use them.

Minimalist shoes have allowed me to work on my running form, strengthen my feet and ankles and improve my balance. As a result, I am a better, faster, and most importantly, healthier runner than I was when I only ran in mainstream running shoes.

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