Here’s my weekly list of some interesting posts about running:
Scared Sh*tless. Rock Creek Runner
Setting yourself up for success means leaving all the comforts you hid behind for so long in the dust.
The Urban Running Crew Movement, Q by Equinox
Straight-laced pace groups they are not: Meet are the tastemakers of distance running.
Run longer, run further: how to increase your running distance, Walk Jog Run
Runners often focus on running faster. For beginners, though, going farther — or increasing endurance — is where it’s at when it comes to goals.
How to properly use Ice for an injury, Dr. Nick’s Running Blog
Even though you may think you’re icing properly, most people don’t do it correctly.
My Run-spirations! Eastside Fitness
This is a list of runners I find inspiring and whose examples keep me going when running feels like a chore.
Your Turn
Who do you look to for running inspiration?